Thursday, January 26, 2012

Does hysterectamy cause hair loss and excessive body hair?

Im a 26 year old mother of two. I had my hysterectamy at 19 during the birth of my child. Doctors could not stop my uterus from bleeding because it had collapsed. Both of my children were delivered by c section. My first child i was in labor for 18 hours with no dialation and they believe that put to much strain on my uterus so i had a planned c section with my last child. Now at 26 im not on any hormones and my hair is thinning and i have excessive body hair and facial hair i never had before.Does hysterectamy cause hair loss and excessive body hair?

';a hysterectomy can affect your hormone levels, may no longer produce the same or any level of estrogen depending on the female organs that were removed, without the estrogen it is not uncommon to have a higher level of testosterone and therefore the facial and body hair'; That is very good advice and very true. The only thing I would add is to see a doctor who specializes in female hair loss and to see what can be done from different drug treatments to hair restoration. Because you have had a hysterectomy you may be a candidate to take propecia, which is usually taken by men because it can cause birth defects in children if taken by a woman when conception is a possibility. But many older women(post-menopause) take propecia and have had great results. Hope that helps!Does hysterectamy cause hair loss and excessive body hair?
a hysterectomy can affect your hormone levels, may no longer produce the same or any level of estrogen depending on the female organs that were removed, without the estrogen it is not uncommon to have a higher level of testosterone and therefore the facial and body hair

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