Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Does masturbation cause acne and hair loss?

I turned 15 a month ago. I've been experiencing moderate blackheads since about 13 years of age. About 2 weeks ago I stopped masturbating, my face cleared almost 100%. I started again and the acne is back. I do it about 2-3 times a week.

About a month ago my hair has started thinning in some spots. It is very noticeable when I comb it back. I thought it may have been my Differin, but I think it is masturbation.

The theory is that masturbation release testoserome which is then converted to DHT which cause acne and hair loss. If this is true, I think I can have the willpower to quit masturbation.

So you think it is true?Does masturbation cause acne and hair loss?
Yes it is caused by this and if I hit you on the back while you are making a face it will stick... no it is caused by your hormone levels and regardless those would fluctuate at your age... masturbation has nothing to do with it at all and hair loss due to testosterone is age related and called hereditary hair loss so if it runs in the family for premature balding that is the likely cause, your hair would also bald in a pattern google male pattern baldness... you know the flip side of this would be my stepmother who always told my brother that if he would get out and get some that his acne would be cleared... yes you should look into the hair loss and order something for your face, but playing with your pecker isn't the source of your woes, even if you are catholic.Does masturbation cause acne and hair loss?
My dad had been suffering from hair loss and only recently he started to see a huge difference with his hair (lots of fine hair growing out especially at the temple area) after trying out the various natural techniques taught to grow hair for 1 week at this website http://www.regrowmyhair.info

I must say its a very informative, effective and easy to follow step-by-step guide. I highly recommend it to anyone who is suffering from hair loss.

Hope it helps ! =)
I have some acne and I use Differin to, I am also having hair problems because it is becoming thin and I have little, the theory of masturbation may be true also sperm has lots of vitamin E that helps to keep wealthy hair and nails, I will try it for a couple of weeks, no more, I need some relief !!!
Well alot of acne is hormone related, but do not stop masturbating! Masturbations 3+ times a week greatly lowers your risk of prostate cancer and other prostate conditions. So cancer or a little acne? Easu desicion. Baldness is hereditary, not hormone related.
I don't believe this is true. I masturbate often and I have a full head of hair. I used to have acne in my younger teen years, but now I have very little acne, only a pimple every now and then. Hope this helps ya.
Not true at all, and has been proven scientifically to be false. Also dude, since masturbation is simply solo sex, having sexual intercourse would obviously have the same effect. It doesn't.
if it was i had to be bald by now...sometimes it's uncontrolable i end up doing it 8 times...and i do not have acne either.
apsolutly not
yes it does it also causes hairy palms and you will go blind
probably and thnx coz i have probz like dat and think dis mite work coz i mastrb8 alot too!
dude, definitely you will not grow hair in your hands..but no i don`t think that is true.
Acne? No,... but you might have something on the baldness thing...;-)
Interesting question, guy.

I have to tell you, masturbation does not increase/release male hormones like you say. You can keep it up and don't feel like your are going to go bald, go blind, get acne, or go insane. They used to say that to keep us guys from enjoying ourselves. Don't believe it.

Your body will create whatever hormones it is going to create and that's it.

I'm bald, and my brother has a full head of hair. We both masterbated like crazy in our teens. He had acne, I didn't. Go figure. More likely, heredity and diet had more effect than pleasuring ourselves.

Keep asking questions and don't listen to old wives tales.

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