Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What could be causing hair loss and scabbing on my cats back?

On the base of my cats back, her hair is thinning and there is scabbing. It starts at the base of her tail, then goes to the middle of her back. She's also been pulling her own hair out.

Any ideas what could be ailing her?What could be causing hair loss and scabbing on my cats back?
I have some ideas but you're going to have to take the cat to a vet see what really is the root cause of this problem.

1- Allergies are a common reason why cats over-groom and pull out their fur. Flea allergy, food allergy, and atopy (allergy to airborne substances) are three common causes of allergy in cats.

2- Allergies to airborne substances such as pollens or dust can lead to itching and subsequent excessive grooming and hair loss.

3- Ringworm is a skin fungus that may cause hair loss. It is the most common infectious skin disease in cats.

4- Psychological factors such as stress, fear, anxiety, or nervousness - must be considered. Cats are very sensitive to their environments, and a move to a new home, addition or subtraction of new people or animals to the household, or any other unexpected change to their surroundings can provoke grooming behavior that is excessive, leading to hair loss.What could be causing hair loss and scabbing on my cats back?
Fleas. Sounds like a classic case of flea dermatitis.

You can buy Capstar and Frontline Plus here which will definitely kill all the fleas on your cat and prevent reinfestation.

Use the Capstar right away. It will kill all fleas on your cat with in an hour. Then after an hour add on the frontline Plus and it will keep fleas off your cat for 30 days. No vet visit required and totally safe.

Frontline contains fipronil, which spreads via the body oils killing fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours. Ticks are generally killed before they bite, decreasing the risk of tick-borne disease transmission. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

Frontline Plus also contains (S)-methoprene, an Insect Growth Regulator, which prevents an insect from maturing or reproducing. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

You can use FRONTLINE flea and tick control once a month and it's completely waterproof. Provide your cat with the best flea and tick protection, right from the start.

Capstar - Treats flea infestations on pets. Starts killing adult fleas on the pet within 30 minutes. One dose lasts 24 hours. Use when pets are likely to be exposed to fleas. Also may be used prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with the normal nerve transmission of insects, effectively killing them. Not a preventive. For pets over four weeks of age. Package of 6.
I wouldn't think that it would be a skin disease. It is probably a an allergy; like fleas (most common), or pollen. Stress could be a factor too. If you're not around her a lot, it could also be loneliness. In any case, she needs to be taken to the vet.
It's probably a skin disease. You could try going to a pet store and asking what they ahve over the counter for her. If this doesn't work take her to the vet.
could she be allergic to something in her food?

my friend had a dog that did the same thing and he was allergic to an ingredient in his dog food as soon as they changed his food he didnt have skin probs anymore!
there might be some flees on her back or ticks. if its swelling then she might of got bitten maybe by bees im not really 100% sure on that.
mange? Take her to the Vet to find out for sure!
she prolly has stress or sumthin go to the vet asap

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