Thursday, January 26, 2012

Washing hair by hot water cause hair loss and dry because the chemical in hot water, is it true?

I heard that they will put the chemicals to make hot water.Washing hair by hot water cause hair loss and dry because the chemical in hot water, is it true?
No that's definately untrue.Electric or gas water heaters are what makes the water hot not chemicals.Washing hair by hot water cause hair loss and dry because the chemical in hot water, is it true?
No. I think you mean ';hard water';. But the heat of the water can damage you hair. That's why you shouldn't straighten your hair everyday.
uhh there shouldn't be any chemicals in water...and if its true then when u take a shower w/ hot water ur hair will fall hasn't fallen yet has it? i dont think it will..its probably bull $#!+....
NO!!!! It does not cause hair loss..... it doesnt help the dryness if you flat iron or blow dry your hair though. Using cold water does have more benefits though... such as making your hair shinier.
Not because of the chemical but because of the stress of the heat. Also washing your hair to much is very bad because it wil dry out your hair. Think about it for a sec, your hair is dead cells right, so by heating them up your damaging them. They dont put chemicals in to make water hot, they put them in to bring water up to code.

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