Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Styling Gel that doesn't cause hair loss ?

Well im kind of person that addicted to gel and it caused me hair loss

and im using everyday a japanese lotion(Sorciere Treatment) to avoid hair loss

ThanksStyling Gel that doesn't cause hair loss ?
No gel doesn't cause hair loss but it does cause flacking. Perm can cause hair loss.Styling Gel that doesn't cause hair loss ?
I always recomend the Organic products ..they wont damage your hair, no alcohols and none of those harmful chemicals!! specially if you use them everyday ,, try them u'll notice the difference!
when i found out gel makes you lose hair i bought hair wax. it's a lot better than hair gel, maybe a bit more expensive, but at least you don't lose your hair.
Just read the back of the jar get any thing that doesn't have alcohol, Alterna Hemp organic hair gel might work for you check it out
styling gel causes hair loss?!
  • sun sunscreen
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