Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is it true that not eating vegetables and fruits will cause some hair loss and baldness??

I have a friend who went to Bosley. His hair was falling out and it only took him a few months to see results. His hair is back to normal now.

Go to this site they explain the reason for hair loss and how they help correct it. If you are really interested I would sign up to get the free dvd because they probably get more in depth about the answers you are looking for.

Good luck and I wish you the best on your research!Is it true that not eating vegetables and fruits will cause some hair loss and baldness??
not true...

BUT... vitamin defficincies, protein deficiencies, and fat deficiencies contribute to poor hair, nail, and skin health. poor hair health will cause your hair to fall out. this can be reversed with more protein and fats.

but in the end, baldness (permanent) is genetic. if you have MPB (male pattern boldness) in your family, there is a big chance of you losing your hair permanently... like me :) ... but there are drugs that help like rogain and the likes. but be careful. i cannot use rogain because i already have hypertension in my family and suffer from it (genetic. but i try to control it with diet and exercise), and rogain will increase blood pressure.

hope that helpsIs it true that not eating vegetables and fruits will cause some hair loss and baldness??
In order to have a healthy system (hair, nails and all) it's important to get enough of the nutrients that keep them healthy and growing. If you can't eat the vegetables and fruits, then you should be taking a multivitamin and supplements.
Due to deficiency it can be one of the reason ,you can try this if you don't eat fruits or veg. Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss.A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is believed to help the growth of hair if taken daily. Check out for more info.

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