Thursday, January 26, 2012

Does washing the hair frequently dry the hair out and cause hair loss?

If so are there special kinds of shampoo that won't dry the scalp/hair or whatever it is out and how to look for them when buyingDoes washing the hair frequently dry the hair out and cause hair loss?
it would dry your hair off but a mild,moisterizing one wont. im using Nioxin, its pretty good. btw, hairloss is generally caused by clogging of hair follicles by dandruff or sebum.Does washing the hair frequently dry the hair out and cause hair loss?
It depends on what you mean by frequently. Do you mean everyday? If so, then yes you are drying out your hair. By washing your hair everyday, your hair goes through a lot of stress by all the products that is put into it and also if you blow dry,straighten,or curl your hair everyday. By doing this, this will contribute to eventually causing hair loss. Ask your hair stylist, and they wil probably say the same thing. Washing your hair everyday is a NO NO.

Also, depending on the shampoo you are using, you can dry out your hair more then usual.
ur only supost to wash ur hair every other day(i know it sounds gross, i have a hard time doing this) my aunts r hair stylist n they tell me this ALL the time wen im getting my haircut. they say the shampoo damages it too and dries ur hair up, our natural oils frm our head help maintain our hair healthy and shiny and thats y its imp. to wash every other day. the days u dnt wash jst put it up in a cute ponytail. Using hot water dries the scalp too n cause dandruff. if ur hair is dry try a hair mask, my aunts always say the brand dsnt matter as long as u condition ur hair(wen conditioning hair jst put the conditioner on the ends of ur hair n shampoo only on the scalp n roots) n for hair loss i dnt think any shampoo helps, wen my hair was falling off alot i went n got a big time hair cute, i cut off a big length n that stopped my hair frm falling so maybe u jst need a good haircut too...hope i helped!!:)
It really depends on your hair type. I personally wash my hair every day. But i have friends that do every 2-3 days. If your going to wash your hair everyday you need a general, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner (if you like conditioner) Also if your going to style your hair with any heat tools you need to put in a heat protected/leave in conditioner. Best of luck :)
your actually not supposed to wash your hair every day. wash it every other day. If you want to wash it everyday, than use the Dove moisture control, or repair. my hair used to be sooo dry and now its really moisturized.
depends how frequently. if its like everday then u will go bald. but sum people hav 2 coz my frend has 2 wash her hair everyday if she dnt then she wud hav greasy hair.

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