Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Does low estrogen levels in women cause hair loss?

just had a baby and hair is falling out. I know it's normal for a certain period of time but when will it stop!!?Does low estrogen levels in women cause hair loss?
in a few monthes when ur hormones level out again if it persist after ur baby turns 6 monthes or so ask ur doc about itDoes low estrogen levels in women cause hair loss?
Mine fell out more than normal from about 4 months postpartum to about 7 months with both babies. It seemed like a lot of hair in the shower but I still have plenty!
look this helps you
When you are pregnant, your hair goes into a resting phase meaning that it stops its normal shedding and regrowing cycle. After pregnancy, the cycle restarts and it seems like you're losing your hair. Just be patient and everything should go back to normal.

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