Monday, January 23, 2012

Does Hair Gel Causes Hair loss/boldness?

Hair gel has been known to cause boldness, however. Many guys won't even be seen without it.Does Hair Gel Causes Hair loss/boldness?
It would depend what the hair gel is made from.Does Hair Gel Causes Hair loss/boldness?
No it doesn't really cause hair loss or baldness literally... but if you over use it you can really dry your hair out b/c hair gel contaisn alcohol so it can get dried out and stiff and break off. So yes in a way you can loose a little hair. I suggest not using it all the time, maybe just when you go to work, or school or when you go out. but take a break from it when your at home by yourself or on the weekends maybe. and use a good conditioner on your hair when you shower so you can keep moisture in it
No it doesnt...according to past practicals and theories it makes your hair look nicer so you can get them girls if you are a boy and get them boys if you are a girl...just kidding

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