Monday, January 23, 2012

Does hair gel cause hair loss?

if not the which is the best gel to put on hairs?

have you tried brylcreem does it give your hairs wet look?Does hair gel cause hair loss?
yesDoes hair gel cause hair loss?
sometimes if you don't use the right one for your type of hair
It shouldn't cause your hair to fall out, but since it has alcohol in it, it could dry your hair out, making it more susceptible to breakage.

Look for gels that have ';alcohol-free'; on the bottle. If you are just doing the spiky thing or using it to shape your hair, there are a lot of hair waxes (try Bead Head brand). I would recommend those over gels.
does not cause hair loss

no idea on ';best'; gel
It could if you don't wash it out well

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