Monday, January 23, 2012

Do all cancer medication cause hair loss or is it just chemotherapy drugs?

chemotherapy acts not only on cancer cells but on all rapidly dividing cells of body---bone marrow cells,cells lining thegut and mouth,hair follicle etc.

supression of cell division in hair follicles causes hair loss.

anticancer drugs like--hormones,hormone like drugs[taxanes,aromatase inhibitors] and biologic therapy[herceptin]

are free from this side effect.Do all cancer medication cause hair loss or is it just chemotherapy drugs?
Not all chemotherapies cause hair loss; however, some always cause hair loss. Chemotherapies that are toxic to rapidly dividing cells are the most likely to cause hair loss. The hair follicle is composed of rapidly dividing cells, and therefore, is often affected as a side effect of chemotherapy. The hair loss can be on the head, chest, arms, legs, pelvic region and face.Do all cancer medication cause hair loss or is it just chemotherapy drugs?
Well, folks, not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair least not complete hair loss.

My chemo regimen made my hair thin and dry and frizzy

My friend's chemo for gallbladder cancer caused her to lightly thin but nothing noticeable
Radiation therapy causes hair loss. Some chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss. But one cancer survivor I know has had 29 radiation treatments to his head and over 150 separate chemotherapy treatments (four different types of chemo) and has a full and beautiful head of hair.
chemotherpy posions your body to a point of very nearly death.. this kills you hair :( (although your hair is alredy dead :S) but i dnt think all cancer mediactation does
Not all cancer drugs cause hair loss. I'm on chemo for uterine cancer and also a drug called Lupron to stop my menstrual cycle. The chemo didn't even cause my hair to thin...but the Lupron sure did!

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