Friday, January 20, 2012

Can my hair loss be caused by Head & Shoulders Shampoo?

I hav been using head %26amp; shoulders for about 2 month now. I started using this becuz i had dandruff. It's working on the dandruff really well. Yet, a few weeks later, i got sick and had a fever. After the fever, I hav been losing a lot of hair ever since. This is scaring me a lot. Every time a brush my hands thru my hair, at least 2 pieces come out, and im no even brushing that hard. I tried using the shampoo, Pantene I used to use, but I still list a lot of hair. Can anyone help me and giv me some advice? This is really scaring me.Can my hair loss be caused by Head %26amp; Shoulders Shampoo?
I have never heard of shampoos causing hair loss. Now hair that is abused by over combing when wet, over dryed with blow dryers etc. can make your hair brittle and break off more but not kill the growth center of the hair itself.

Pulling tightly on the hair consistently with hair styles like braids, corn rows, pig tails etc. can cause damage to the hair follicle itself and cause some permanent hair loss but not over all balding or large bald spots.

There are other causes of hair loss that are hereditary also.....look in your family and see if there is a pattern of thin hair or baldness that runs in your family.

I hope that this helped.Can my hair loss be caused by Head %26amp; Shoulders Shampoo?
I was in the same situation, i am 14, believe me, if u r a teenager i think there is nothing to worry about, thats what the doctor said, it is normal, and yes i think head and shoulders may have a part in it!, i think it is too strong for hair to manage, especially young hair lyk mine, if u live in england u would be familar with the soap brand/shop LUSH, my mum bought me a hormonal hair soap shampoo from there calles NEW, its pink and contains natural things lyk cineamon, which is the stronest, i hve been using it for 3'4 months now and believe it does work gradually

dont be scared though lol

hope i helped
The hair loss may be if you use a lot of heat on your hair or if you dye your hair regulary
you losing your hair is regular. You actually lose about 150 a day. its natural and supposed to happen. calm down..breath..

And not talking showers daily can make it seem like your losing a lot in one time but its nothing to stress over.
Probably not from the shampoo. If you get very sick, your hair can thin out. Try to make sure you are eating right and avoiding things that can damage your hair. (dyes, bleach, excessive heat, etc.) You lose hair every day, without noticing it. If it doesn't get better, and you are still concerned, you may want to ask your doctor about it.
Hair loss is natural in most people. I don't know how old you are, so forgive me, I don't mean to offend you. If you are middle aged, it is natural for your hair to thinnen out.

If you are a teen it is natural due to hormone levels.

If it is a new shampoo, you may just be adjusting to it.

Also, if your hair is thick, it is natural for your hair to become quite brittle if it needs cutting. I personally find that I loose LOTS when straightening, even though I use heat protection, and then some when I brush it.

It's completly natural to loose your hair, your body is getting rid of the unneeded things..

If you stress over it, you will loose more, as stress distrupts your hormone levels, which cause hair loss and also acne problems.

If you are really worried, see a hairdresser, or use a hair endurance shampoo... I know that H%26amp;S actually does an anti dandruff hair endurance?

Hope this helps, Ginger x

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