Friday, February 3, 2012

Having no luck finding cause(s) for hair loss on the back of my hands and part of my wrist?

Do you really want hair to grow there in the first place???Having no luck finding cause(s) for hair loss on the back of my hands and part of my wrist?
Some thyroid disorders can cause hair loss, your should check with your Dr.Having no luck finding cause(s) for hair loss on the back of my hands and part of my wrist?
maybe thats not such a bad thing in the first place

but if it really concerns you, then i'm sorry to hear it

i have no idea why you would lose hair there, haha your hands are balding
i have had the same problem and found while working outside if i used looser gloves it slowed down, during the summer with no gloves, it grows back. also long sleeves buttoned tightly around the wrists will do the same thing. medically, i have no answer for a condition that has isolated itself this way other than burns, either chemical or from heat sources

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