Sunday, February 5, 2012

Causes of hair loss? Female, 18 years?

I have a friend who's got a bald patch at the crown of her head, and it seems to be getting bigger. What could it be??? I'm worried about her because she never looks very well. She's 18.Causes of hair loss? Female, 18 years?
Hair that falls out in patches is generally caused by a common genetic trait. Hair loss from poor health generally does not occur in patches. If its not genetic, she might have iron deficiency anemia - people with this don't look healthy; or she could have a thyroid problem. She really needs to get a panel of blood tests to find out the cause. The non-genetic causes are treatable.Causes of hair loss? Female, 18 years?

This site gives some infomation on it, But i would recommend she goes to see her doctor

Good Luck
bad diet can causes this. Anorexia can cause hair loss. She should go to the doc because other things can too.

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